To create a beautiful rangoli design with chalk you’ll need a few items for this project-chalk, a piece of paper, and a tray or other surface that you can draw on.
First, you’ll want to sketch your design onto the paper, then use the chalk to copy it onto the tray. If you’re going for a simple design like our example here, make sure your lines are as close together as possible so that they will be easier to “paint” over later.
When you’ve finished your sketching, cover all but one section of it with the paper-the section you left uncovered should be in the center of your design. Finally, put some chalk onto your hands and start filling in your design.
As you go along, make sure to wipe your hands clean on the paper every few minutes so that you’re not creating too much excess chalk on your fingertips.
Simple Rangoli Designs With Chalk Piece In 2023
Ready Made 3D Rangoli Designs for Wall on Amazon
Drawing rangoli designs with chalk pieces is not an easy task. There are many steps to take before one can finish the design and this article will go through all of them in detail. It has been observed that while drawing, it’s important to keep in mind that there should be no mistakes, or else they may need to start over again which would result in wastage of time and effort. However, if you do make any mistakes then don’t worry because we have got your back!