Onam is celebrated worldwide with great pomp and a show by Malayalis. You can find beautiful Onam pookalam designs for 10 days in every house. Varieties of flowers in different colours are used to create beautiful pookalam designs. The arrangement of flowers in a specific pattern that forms beautiful designs is called Pookalams. All the Onam pookalam designs are unique and beautiful. So let’s have a look at some beautiful Pookalams.
Top 10 Best Onam Pookalam Designs
Let’s have a look at the top ten best Onam Pookalam Designs that can help you in Onam 2022.

Also Read: – Onam Rangoli with Flowers: Onam Pookalam Beautiful Drawings
Hope you find these pictures resourceful. So are you excited for Onam 2022? Share all your views in the comment section.