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70+ Good Morning Quotes in Hindi With Images

Good Morning Quotes in Hindi | Good Morning Images in Hindi | Good Morning in Hindi With Images : Day ends with Dark night and Starting of a new day begins with  Morning, which is the best opportunity to do some thing new and big in our life. Wishing Good morning to any one who can be your best friend, Family member or any dear one etc, makes the positive energy and happiness brings on her/him face. You can use our Good morning Quotes with images to send a beautiful good morning Wishes to your friends, Family, husband-wife, Boy friend-girlfriend or to any loved one.

Good Morning Quotes in Hindi Images

today we have a great collection of Good Morning Hindi Quotes images (गुड मोर्निंग कोट्स इन हिंदी  ) for you we have shared on this article. Check out these beautiful collection of Good morning images Quotes and Good morning pictures below, we are sharing today. We have already published a post on our blog which is here Good Morning SMS and Good morning Quotes in Hindi with photos are one of the finest way to wishing a Good morning Greetings.

50+ Good morning images with quotes in hindi
गुड मोर्निंग कोट्स in हिंदी

How will be your whole day will go, Good or bad its totally depends on how your morning started.If our morning is begins with Happiness and motivated it will make your whole day perfectly. you will feel energized and inspired.

Good Morning Quotes in hindi with Images For WhatsApp

“ऊँचा उठने के लिए पंखो की जरूरत तो मात्र पक्षियों को पड़ती है, मनुष्य तो जितना विनम्रता से झुकता है, उतना ही वो ऊपर उठता है।”

Good Morning Wishes Quotes
Good Morning Wishes Quotes image

Inspirational Good Morning Quotes in hindi images


प्रेरणा का सबसे बड़ा स्रोत आपके विचार हैं। इसलिए बड़ा सोचें और रोज जीतने के लिए प्रयास करें|

Also Check >>: 500+ Good Morning SMS Wishes Messages Quotes in Hindi

Good Morning Quotes in hindi with images
Good morning Quotes in Hindi

Good Morning Message in Hindi

Ek Shauk Bemisaal Rakha Karo,

Halaat Jaise bhi Ho,

Hontho par hamesha muskaan rakha karo.

Good Morning GIF Wishes Quotes Images
Good Morning GIF Wishes Quotes Images

हर दिन एक शुभ दिन होता है, जरूरत है तो बस शुरुआत करने की|

Good Morning Quotes Images
Good Morning Quotes Images

Good Morning Quotes Wishes in Hindi

मित्र, धन्य, धान्य आदि का संसार में बहुत सम्मान है।
किन्तु माता और मातृभूमि का स्थान स्वर्ग से भी ऊपर है।”
Good Morning Ji

Jeevan me jakhm bade nahi hote unko bharne wale bade hote hai,
usi tarah jeevan me rishte bade nahi hote, unko nibhane wale bade hote hai.

गुड मोर्निंग कोट्स इन हिंदी

गुणों, विशेषताओं में अंतर प्रायः विशेषज्ञों, ज्ञानीजनों द्वारा ही जाना जाता है, दूसरों के द्वारा कदापि नहीं।
जिस प्रकार चमेली की गंध नाक से ही जानी जा सकती है, आंख द्वारा से कभी नहीं।

मूर्खता कष्ट है,
यौवन भी कष्ट है,
किन्तु दूसरों के घर में रहना कष्टों का भी कष्ट है ।
Good Morning Friend…..

Der se dena hoga to der se hi sahi par yakeen rakh, sab kuch hoga sahi, waqt kharab hai teri zindagi nahi.

“लोग कहते हैं खाली हाथ आये हो
और खाली हाथ जाओगे
पर ऐसा नहीं है
लोग “भाग्य” लेकर आते हैं
और “कर्म” लेकर जाते हैं|

सुप्रभात गुड मोर्निंग कोट्स स्टेटस हिंदी

कपड़े और चेहरे अक्‍सर झूठ बोला करते हैं…
इंसान की असलियत तो वक्त बतता है
?शुभ प्रभात?

जीवन में जब कुछ बड़ा मिल जाए तो, छोटे को कभी मत भूलना…क्योंकि जहां सुई का काम हो,वहां तलवार काम नहीं करती.!!
Good Morning


“कठिन समय की चुनौती, केवल धैर्य और हिम्मत से जीती जा सकती है।”


“कीमत पानी की नहीं, प्यास की होती है कीमत मौत की नहीं, सांस की होती है प्यार तो बहुत करते हैं दुनिया में पर कीमत प्यार की नहीं विश्वास की होती है।”

“रात सुबह का इन्तजार नहीं करती, और फूलों की खुशबू मौसम का इन्तजार नहीं करती, जो भी ख़ुशी मिले उसका आनन्द लिया करो, क्योंकि जिन्दगी वक्त का इन्तजार नहीं करती।”

Beautiful Good Morning Images with Quotes in Hindi





Hindi Good Morning Quotes Images for WhatsApp
Hindi Good Morning Quotes Images for WhatsApp

कुछ लोग तो इसलिए भी सफल नहीं हो पाते क्योंकि वह हमेशा यह सोचते रहते हैं की यदि हम असफल हो गए तो लोग क्या कहेंगे।

मतलबी लोग रिश्ते सिर्फ यह सोचकर निभाते हैं कि मुझे इस इंसान से दोबारा काम पड़ सकता है।

किसी भी कार्य की शुरुआत करने के लिए हर समय शुभ होता है। कार्य का फल हमें हमारी मेहनत से मिलेगा, समय देखकर नहीं।

“रात सुबह का इन्तजार नहीं करती, और फूलों की खुशबू मौसम का इन्तजार नहीं करती, जो भी ख़ुशी मिले उसका आनन्द लिया करो, क्योंकि जिन्दगी वक्त का इन्तजार नहीं करती।”

“बात ‘संस्कार’ और ‘आदर’ की होती है वरना जो इंसान सुन सकता है वो सुना भी सकता है।”

किस से सीखू मैं खुदा की बंदगी, सब लोग खुदा के बँटवारे किये बैठे हैं, जो लोग कहते है खुदा कण-कण में है, वही मंदिर, मस्जिद, गुरुद्वारे लिये बैठे हैं… *सुप्रभात* आपका दिन मंगलमय हो…

इन ठंडी हवाओ मे ताजे महक हो सुंदर सी चिड़ियाओं की चहक हो

जब भी खोलो आप आंखे इन पलको पर खुशियो का झलक हो -सुप्रभात

अपने इस जिंदगी से प्यार करो हर रात के बाद सुबह का इंतजार करो

वो वक्त भी आयेगा जिसका इंतजार है बस अपने वक्त का इंतजार करो -सुप्रभात

ठोकर हमको चोट पहुंचाने का काम नहीं करती बल्कि सचेत करती है कि हमको संभलकर चलना चाहिए। वह हमको सिखाती है कि बार-बार गलतियां करके हम मंज़िल तक नहीं पहुँच सकते।

एक अच्छा दिन और एक बुरा दिन केवल आपके नजरिये का अंतर होता है।

हर सुबह उठकर सबसे पहले ईश्वर को धन्यवाद दीजिये कि ईश्वर ने हमें आज का यह दिन दिया है। इस दिन हम फिर से जिंदगी की एक नयी शुरआत कर पाएंगे।

किसी की कमी का एहसास उसके चले जाने के बाद ही होता है।

Good Morning Quotes SMS in Hindi

Bina Bulaye sthano par jaana,
Bina Puche Bahut Bolna,
Vishvas nahi karne layak Vyakti/ Cheejo par Vishvas karna
Ye sabhi Murkh or bure logo ke lakshan hai…|

बिना बुलाए स्थानों पर जाना,
बिना पूछे बहुत बोलना,
विश्वास नहीं करने लायक व्यक्ति/चीजों पर विश्वास करना
ये सभी मूर्ख और बुरे लोगों के लक्षण हैं ।

इतनी ऊंचाई कभी मत देना मेरे ईश्वर, जहाँ से इंसानियत नीचे छूट जाये।

“हमारी हर एक सोच हमारे आने वाले कल का निर्माण करती है।”

Hamari har ek soch hamare aane wale kal ka nirman karti hai.

“किसी से उम्मीद किए बिना उसका अच्छा करो,क्योंकि किसी ने कहा है जो लोग फूल बेचते है उनके हाथ में ख़ुशबू अक्सर रह जाती है।”

“उम्मीद कभी हमें छोड़कर नहीं जाती, जल्दबाज़ी में हमें ही उसे छोड़ देते है।”

“ख़ुद को वक़्त दो आपकी पहली ज़रूरत आप ख़ुद हो।”

अच्छा दिल और अच्छा स्वभाव दोनो ज़रूरी है

अच्छे दिल से कई रिश्ते बनेगे और अच्छे स्वभाव से वो जीवन भर टिकेंगे

सुबह- सुबह नये दिन की शुरुआत होती है किसी अपनो की बात खास होती है

अपनो को दिल से याद करोगे तो खुशिया आपके साथ होती है । -सुप्रभात

Khatron Ke Khiladi 2020 Season 10 Host, Contestants Name List With Images

Fear factor Khatron ke Khiladi is just coming soon to our tv screens. One of most popular reality fear factor show, KKK  is all set to air on Colors Tv Channel with Season 10. Check out below details like Fear factor Khatron Ke Khiladi 2020 Season 10 host and All Contestants List name with Images.

The good news is that makers have selected 10 super strong contestants for this season and they had already completed shooting in Bulgaria (Country in Southeast Europe).

Khatron Ke Khiladi 2020 Season 10

KKK that is Khatron Ke Khiladi is one of the most popular reality bases fear factor show is ready to premier with its season 10 in 2020.  Due to Covid-19 Corona Virus this show was stopped telecast on Colors Tv Channel. but here is a good news that This show is coming up on our Tv Screens on Colors Tv channel of India. This is enough to understand the success of Khatron ke Khiladi with its coming season 10 in 2020. this show has already successfully completed its 9 seasons. Just below checkout the details of Host and Contestants Name list with photos of KKK Season 10.

Start Date : 22 Feb 2020

Tv Channel: Colors Tv

Host Place: Bulgaria

Online Premier : Voot

Day & Timing : Sat-Sun, 9 PM IST

Khatron Ke Khiladi 10 Host

This season 10 of KKK will be hosted by Most popular and Famous Bollywood films director and producer, Mr. Rohit Shetty, Who has already hosted various seasons of Khatron Ke Khliladi.

Khatron Ke Khiladi 10 Contestants Name List

1.Adaa Khan

2. Amruta Khanvilkar

Amruta Khanvilkar

3. Dharmesh Yelande 

Dharmesh Yelande

4. Karan Patel

Karan Patel

5. Balraj Sayal

Balraj Sayal

6. Karishma Tanna

Karishma Tanna

7. Rani Chatterjee

Rani Chatterjee

8. Shivin Narang

Shivin Narang

9. Tejasswi Prakash

Tejasswi Prakash

10.  RJ Malishka

RJ Malishka

Mobile Cover Printing | Customize Mobile Covers & Cases at Best Price

Now we all have smart phones at our hand and with cool custom mobile case, grab the attention of peoples near you at your smartphone. Whenever we go to buy a Mobile Phone we make sure all specification, style, thickness, budget etc. same thing we need to think when it comes to protect our smartphone. In today’s world mobile phones become the most handling devices that more people owns it.

Mobile Covers for Your Smart Phone

At this time everyone knows the value of a smartphone and its need. After purchasing a smart phone we need to think the protection for it. Everyone has a their own unique style and own choices. Protecting your smartphone with in your style will give you the personalized style. It almost takes a month new mobile phone to look old with scratches.

Here is a one way to protect it from being looking old and scratches is by using a perfect Mobile cover for your smartphone. today here what we would to like to sharing about Cool custom mobile covers which you can easily purchase through our Custom Mobile cover shopping site’s page.

we have two kinds of Phone covers, one is Customized Mobile covers which gives you the access to get your own Photo or any Design print on your phone case and other we have own designer printed mobile back covers & cases for all types of people. Mobile Covers for Boys, Girls, Kids, Women and Men, Super hero, Abstract, Color layers, flowers and other design patterns covers. So check out the Phone cases Collection below,

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Custom Mobile Cover Back  Printing Online India at ANKK.in Best price

Having Customized Mobile cover is the one of best way to making more fancy and personalized. a mobile cover is the must have accessory that helps everyone to express real themselves to the people near around you. Yes, People want the best quality mobile cover for their smartphone to protect it from looking old and damages and that’s why we at ANKK.in , are with Best quality Custom Mobile Covers with the widest range of smartphones brand models.

ANKK.in, offers a wide range of Custom mobile covers for your smartphone. We have more than 300+ Phone models covers in Hard plastic with premium print quality that protect your phone with style and smart way. You can add your own Photo, text or any logo or any design put on your phone cover. Just buy a Personalized Photo Mobile cover by siting at your home from ANKK.in, at very best price.

Customized Mobile Covers Shopping at ANKK.in

We have top quality Poly-carbonate hard plastic Custom Mobile back covers high resistant and durable covers in quality. All major popular mobile phone brands available such as iPhone Apple, Xiaomi Redmi, VIVO, Oppo, Honor, Samsung, Huawei, Gionee Etc. Our Photo Printed Custom Mobile covers & cases are designed to fit perfectly to your mobile phone and it gives allowance to operate Volume and other side keys of Mobile handset easily.

Design your own style Custom Phone cover and purchase it from your comfort by your home and get it deliver to your doorstep fast shipping service. Personalized phone cases can be purchase with simple and easy steps, First visit our Custom Phone Case page, select your phone brand which you can select later by clicking any of the Custom Mobile cover product page. Just Select your brand and enter your Phone model and then upload your own custom photo or any design which you want to put it on your cover and just purchase with Adding your shipping details and choose payment method that’s it.

3D Mobile Covers | Customized 3D Phone Covers Online India

Photo printed personalized phone cover of Poly-Carbonate Hard-plastic material is enough to protect your smartphone from getting scratches at back side of your phone. We offers 3D Mobile covers & cases at low cost starting range from Rs249. Technology we used in Mobile cover printing is 3D UV Printing for Phone cases which looks More real and 3D Cover. Apart from Custom Mobile covers, we have also Cool designer phone covers & cases for your smartphone.

We have tie-up with top delivery partners with us to make sure your phone cover delivered to your doorstep less in time. So whenever you will order your phone cover at ANKK.in , Don’t worried about shipping and delays of getting your phone cover. Generally all orders are delivered within 5-7 working days.




World class logistics courier partners available to deliver your Phone cover within described time. BlueDart, Delhivery, FedEx and XpressBees are our Courier partners so you can also track your order from Dispatching to delivery, at our website.

Available Payment Methods For Shopping Personalized Mobile Cover

You need  not to worry about payment method just think about shopping your Fancy favorite Customized Mobile cover. We support Digital India and that’s why we have all Digital Payment methods such as Debit,Credit Card, Digital Wallets (Paytm, Google Pay, PhonePe). Also if you are unable to pay online you can choose Pay on Delivery option. Yes, you heard right we have also Cash On Delivery (COD) payment method which will let you ensure to get your product safely.

We are on popular social media sites as Facebook and Instagram so do not forget to follow us on Social Media.we brings special offers on customized phone covers and other Customized Products too at different different Occasions with bumper sale offer so connect with us on Facebook and Instagram below,

Facebook/Ankk.in   ||   Instagram/Ankk.in



Here Is How to Print Photo On Mobile Back Cover Easily?

Nowadays smartphones are trending everywhere, most of the smartphone lovers always keep their mind on newly launched smartphones or be updated with Upcoming smartphones.

Many of smartphone users will be interested to get a Customized Photo printed mobile back cover for their smartphone. so today we will see how you can print your photo on mobile back cover for your smartphone.

How to Print Photo on Mobile Back Cover ?

with Ankk.in, you can get a perfect Custom Photo printed mobile back cover for your smartphone.

Steps : Print Photo on Mobile Back Cover

to get your own photo print on mobile back cover , you need to follow these simple steps :

Step #1 First of all, choose your smartphone brand – Choose Your Smartphone brand

Step #2 Upload your Design Image in format. Supported Design Formats (Jpg, Png, PDF)

Step #3 Enter your Mobile model No./Handset model of your smartphone.

Step #4 That’s it. Place your order by entering your shipping details on checkout page.

place an order at Ankk.in , add shipping and billing details to get your photo printed mobile cover to your doorstep.

Photo Print on Mobile Back Cover

You think, we print. Order for your own design printed personalized photo print on mobile back cover. be look awesome with personalized custom printed own photo/ Design / pattern for your smartphone. you can get your unique personalized own choice of design print on phone cover from Ankk.in , with very low and reasonable prices.

we have more than 300+ Devices available for different smartphone brands including all major smartphones such as iPhone Apple, Redmi , Vivo, Oppo, Moto, Nokia, Samsung, OnePlus, RealMe, Honor, Google, etc.

We Support different payment options for customers choice, they can pay for their order of Custom photo Mobile covers. Payment options are, Debit/Credit Card, Net Banking, UPI, Wallets : Paytm , PhonePe, FreeCharge etc. with online payment you don’t need to worried, you are fully safe & secure with our online payment option. Prepaid orders ship fasts and also we accepts COD Payment.

Customized Mobile Covers Online Shopping in India

Hey, first of all Thanks to all our awesome readers and customers. This is the introduction article of our website. here we are going to describe about us briefly. who we are ? and what we are doing ? what is our aim ? So without wasting time anymore ,

lets dive into the post.

ANKK.in | Customized Mobile Covers Online Shopping

Custom Printed Mobile Back Covers


So basically our website that is www.ankk.in , is a E-commerce website on which we are selling cool printed phone covers, Customized Photo printed mobile back covers. we are not just selling our products but also we are sharing happiness with our customers.

How ?

As you all know that we are living at era of high technology or tech generation, so we decided to Make  Personalize phone covers that gives a unique identity to you to express yourself to surround peoples. you can suppose , when you are going to stand with your friends, and you the only one who have a smartphone with your personalized or your own photo printed mobile back cover.

your friends will ask you about your phone cover. and you will grab some attraction via your Printed mobile back cover. so i it also gives the attraction towards you. along with attraction this the coolest way to protect your smartphone with your personalized way.

Printed Phone Covers Online Shopping in India

If you are searching and looking for a website to buy printed phone covers or customize photo printed mobile back covers online in india , than we want to tell you that Ankk.in, is the one stop of all your need for Personalized Mobile covers or Printed Mobile back covers in India.

we are dealing in two types of phone covers ,

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almost we have all major smartphone brands available including , iPhone Apple, Xiaomi Redmi, VIVO, Oppo , Samsung, Moto, lenovo, Gionee, Honor , Asus , OnePlus, etc. Go and checkout what suits best for your smartphone.

Now also check what payment methods through you can purchase Custom Mobile back Cover,

At Ankk.in , various of payment options available such as Debit/Credit Cards, Net Banking, Wallets : PayTm , PhonePe , UPI etc. also we a COD payment option.